
Paleo Cookbooks - Recipes for the Paleo Diet

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mental Health, really important!

Why is mental well being important? First, we all want to feel good – about ourselves and the world around us – and to be able to get the most from our lives.
There is also evidence that good mental well being is important for our physical health, and that it can help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Great news! Some Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

How would you like to have your old old body back or even a sexier one, driving the guys crazy or for the men get rid of that fat belly period. 

I have something for you guys, After some research I came across the site that revealed proof on how to loose weight the most effective way. 

Just visit their site:

You'll thank me for that.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Doing Work at Home can make you fit.

Hi all,

For the house wife I have a nice advice.
"Doing household work or something similar can reduce some fat and make you fit"
It's all in the sweat, if you sweat during a workout or some thing that's intensive it has the same effect. For example, busy in the garage, the garden of just cleaning your home. If you didn't notice when your working all body parts are intensively responding during those movements. 

Tips on how to sweat intensively: 

  1. Put on some warm clothes: like a sweater or a jogging suit.
  2. Wear something comfortable on your feet. I recommend wearing a flat sneaker. 
  3. When you work be sure to rest for short times. this regulates your hearth beat.
  4.  Make movements with all your body parts possible.
  5. When you're thirsty, drink water, no carbonated drinks, no juice (later when you're cooled down) 
  6. Make sure you get the work done! :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Don't miss out on Paleo Diets - Click image and loose Weight now !

Free Fat Loss Report - Truth About Abs

Yeah, before you know it you got from this


to this


Most people don't know why, and can't gain their old shape. You're not the only one struggling to loose that fat belly. 
the one thing you can focus on is your eating method and the foods you prepare.

"Stop eating fast food and drinking that coke, Pepsi or Dr. Pepper"

Let's get you started by explaining, what you didn't eat to loose weight. 

Monday, July 8, 2013


  • Did you know, SlimWeightPatch...
  • Has no side effects due to trans-dermal admission methods. Totally safe. Totally effective.
  • Has been developed by an established, well experienced pharmaceutical company.
  • Are waterproof. So you can still enjoy activities such as swimming so you won't waste a single patch.
  • Uses only powerful yet natural, clinically proven ingredients for your peace of mind.

Developed by an established and experienced pharmaceutical company, the Slim Weight Patch is an innovative take on weight loss solutions. It works on the principle of trans-dermal absorption, which means the absorption of nutrients through your skin.
In other words, Slim Weight Patch works in the same way as nicotine patches. You simply apply a patch and the ingredients embedded into the patch basically travel through your skin and into your bloodstream.
Slim Weight Patch™ contains fat burning nutrients including Garcinia cambogia, Zinc Pyruvate, L-Caritine and 5-HTP.
The makers claim weight loss of around 2/4 pounds per week and because Slim Weight patches are trans-dermal there aren’t the worries over side effects, so it’s totally safe to use.
How it works
Slim Weight Patch really couldn’t be easier to use, as all you do is stick one to your skin like a plaster and get on with your day.
Unlike with tablets and capsules, up to 95% of the ingredients are absorbed. The problem with tablets and capsules is the fact that due to various differences in our digestive systems, along with how digestion works, you may only be absorbing a small fraction of the nutrients in them.
In fact studies have shown that in some cases, as little as 5% of some nutrients taken in pill form actually get to the cells where they are used. Unfortunately, the stomach, liver and digestive system excrete the rest when taken orally.
You only need one patch per day and your body will gradually absorb all the fat burning nutrients, designed to increase your metabolism. More calories are used when your metabolism is increased, which obviously helps greatly with weight loss.
Slim Weight Patch contains a variety of fat burning and weight loss aiding nutrients including Zinc Pyruvate, Lecithin, 5-HTP, Yerba Mate, Guarana, Flax Seed oil, DHEA and L-Caritine.
Guarana makes you feel fuller faster and for longer as it slows down the emptying of your stomach. Yerba Mate helps to ease hunger along with containing almost all of the vitamins necessary to sustain life. 5-HTP can help prevent low serotonin levels caused by dieting, which can cause carb cravings and binge eating.
In a study on DHEA, Dr. Terrence T. Yen found that when DHEA-treated genetically obese mice ate normally, they remained thin and they lived longer than control mice. This effect was also noted by Dr. Schwartz. Dr. M. P. Cleary also found middle-aged obese rats lost weight when fed DHEA-supplemented food.
Lecithin is included for its Choline & Inositol content, as they are essential for the breakdown of fats and cholesterol and L-Carnitine helps the burning of fat for energy.
Zinc Pyruvate helps fat burning, boosts endurance, increases lean muscle mass, lowers blood glucose and cholesterol. Flaxseed oil contains the healthy fats linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid, which help to build muscle and prevent muscle break down, along with helping recovery from fatigue. But more importantly for weight loss, they help conserve carbohydrates, while melting stored fat.
In case you wondered, Slim Weight Patches are waterproof, which means you can still enjoy activities such as swimming without having to use an extra patch.
If you are adverse to taking pills or capsules, this could be the perfect weight loss aid for you. What’s easier than simply sticking a patch on once a day?


Get more products from SLIMMING.COM

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Want some tips for a thinner life style?

xxx- Have fun burning some fat with comfort - xxx

Truth about Fat Burning Food

Nick PineaultDid you know that almost every single one of these foods contain “hidden” fat-storing ingredients that can slow down your metabolism, sap your energy, and block your fat burning potential by a whopping 82% – even the ones you think are “healthy”?
Health Food
Did you know that there’s a super simple way to rid your life of these “fattening” foods and SWAP them with delicious foods that BOOST your metabolism and dramatically accelerate your fat loss?
All you have to do is to read through the short article below and you’ll discover the easiest way to transform your kitchen and FIX your slow fat-loss – and you’ll do it in LESS than 24 hours.

These 3 reasons reveal what you MUST STOP doing the next time you shop for "healthy" food because it's DAMAGING your metabolism… and EXACTLY how you can "transform" your diet to quickly burn off belly fat – in 24 hours or LESS.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Introducing Metabolic Recipes

Are you into healthy cooking?

Metabolic cooked foods are one of the most healthy types out there. 
fast fat burning and nutritious at the same time.

I'll show you some examples of prepared recipes: 

Benefits of this method:

Start living a healthier life and try out these delicious recipes.

Click here: